Day: July 12, 2013

Worried About Burglary? Invest in a Security System Today


Home burglar alarm systems

The best way to protect your home from theft is to ensure that a burglar never comes inside. Investing in home burglar alarm systems, or in the tech age wireless burglar alarms, can keep your belongs, but more importantly, you family safe. Here are a few things to keep in mind when purchasing burglar alarm equipment for your home.

1. Did you know that most home burglaries take place between the hours of ten a.m. and three p.m? There is an incorrect assumption in the United States that most burglars seek the cover of night when breaking into homes, but quite the opposite is true. Most peo Read More

Do Not Be too Hasty To Throw your Phone out just yet Try Getting it Repaired First


My broken phone

Broken screen? Bring it to the cell phone repair guy. Cell phone water damage? Bring it to the iPhone repair guy. Need ipad repair? The iPhone repair guy can do that too. You can even get a new phone battery when you go to the iPhone repair guy too. Since yours only holds a charge for about 20 minutes.

While I do still think that you are a huge klutz, you are not alone. I genuinely believe that Apple has somehow secretly developed a liquid magnet and installed it in their products. Even putting it into the iPads now too, which are flooding the market (34 million since 2010) and getting just as broken. So, get this, the top five causes for a broken iPhone, and you will Read More