Month: June 2013

New Mobile Technology Developing for Medical Field


Hipaa text messaging

Medical information technology and medical privacy are huge issues in today’s society, especially with the recent debates over health care in the United States. Database virtualization has been a continuous journey since the turn of the century, and it continues to evolve. Currently, there are more than 550 certified medical information software companies in the nation, which sell over one thousand mobile healthcare applications altogether. Medical charge capture businesses focus on creating mobile medical applications that increase profitability and efficiency in various practices and medical institutions. These applications make it easier for teams of physicians and nurses to coordinate their healthcare plans for a particular patient, eliminate paper expenses for the practice, and makes it easier and faster to record vital statistics and appointment information.

While these mobile medical apps and medical charge capture companies are growing significantly, there are serious concerns about security and HIPAA compliance with healthcare apps. Since 1996, HIPAA, which stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, concerns the use and sharing of protected health information and extends to health insurance companies, employers, schools, and any other institution that deals with such sensitive information. Medical charge capture companies and their apps must conform to HIPAA regulations about the privacy of protected health information while also effectively archiving, backing up, and securing vital information. One of the largest concerns in this sphere is employees’ own devices used on the job and off, where secure texting or secure messaging services associated with sensitive information are not necessarily kept safe. The good news is that medical charge capture companies are consistently working to effectively safeguard such protected health information while allowing for ease of use by doctors and patients alike.

Mobile Websites for Businesses


Responsive website design agency

Having a mobile website is critical for businesses to have today. However, only 26 percent of small businesses have taken the time to have a mobile web design company do their mobile website design in NJ. That is a shame because more people than ever are using their smart phones and other mobile devices to access the web these days. More people would shop more and buy more things on the internet via a mobile website if they were designed right and optimized correctly. 48 percent of mobile website users say they are often frustrated when they try to browse websites on their mobile devices. If a website is too difficult t see and navigate, shoppers will just go somewhere else to buy the same products you are selling. It is prudent to go to a NJ web agency for Nj web design and development services.

Some of the important aspects for web design include graphic designers, seo analysts and SEO copywriters. A NJ web agency supplies all of these services at affordable rates. The right NJ web agency will have specialists in all aspects of web design. A NJ web agency supplies the right graphic design for your mobile website. They also know how to use the right interface for a mobile website and a NJ web agency will use standardized code for the website and proprietary software. Also, search engine optimization services are included when you go to a web agency in New Jersey.