DBA Attorneys Can Help You With Your Claim

The Merchant Seaman Protection and Relief Act of 1920 was put into law to provide similar protection for maritime workers in terms of workers compensation that those on land receive and if you are having trouble with your claim, you need to seek out DBA attorneys to help you. DBA attorneys operate in favor of the Defense Base Act which extends the federal workers’ compensation program currently in place for harbor workers or longshoremen. By working with a Dba attorney, you can bet that your case will not go ignored or get pushed aside for any reason. This is because DBA lawyers know how to push the right buttons in order to make sure that you are heard.
While there is a three day period of waiting before compensation comes due underneath the LHWCA, you will find that DBA attorneys can make sure that you are not hung up in limbo for weeks or months. Contractors were more than half the DOD’s workforce for Iraq and Afghanistan and if you were hurt at sea while out there, you might need DBA attorneys to help you. A Defense Base Act attorney will be able to examine your case regardless of where you were hurt and find a way to get you the help that you need to be financially protected.
The maximum wage replacement currently available is $1,295.20 each week and if you are being denied this, then you need to get DBA attorneys on board to help your case. The most important thing for you to do is to communicate to Defense base act attorneys about what is going on with your current situation. It is important that you give a Defense base act lawyer all of the information because there could be something within it that could help them move your case along.
Once your lawyer has all the information in place, they will take it to build your case in the right manner. This is important because they will need to present that information in a way that becomes convincing enough to get you your money. Fortunately, DBA attorneys are masters of this and will know just how to get the outcome you want.
Overall, you need to trust in the skills of your attorney or else all hope will be lost. With their help, you will hopefully getting them money that you need to live soon. Then, you can start supporting yourself and your family again.
I am doing a paper for law school on workers compensation cases and I had no idea that there was so much that was involved with maritime claims. What an interesting article.
I had no idea that there as an act that was signed in the 20’s to protect workers at sea or on the docks. I always thought they were protected. I would bet it would have been tough if you were hurt before that time.
I had no idea that there as an act that was signed in the 20’s to protect workers at sea or on the docks. I always thought they were protected. I would bet it would have been tough if you were hurt before that time.
I had no idea that there as an act that was signed in the 20’s to protect workers at sea or on the docks. I always thought they were protected. I would bet it would have been tough if you were hurt before that time.
I had no idea that there as an act that was signed in the 20’s to protect workers at sea or on the docks. I always thought they were protected. I would bet it would have been tough if you were hurt before that time.
I had no idea that there as an act that was signed in the 20’s to protect workers at sea or on the docks. I always thought they were protected. I would bet it would have been tough if you were hurt before that time.
I had no idea that there as an act that was signed in the 20’s to protect workers at sea or on the docks. I always thought they were protected. I would bet it would have been tough if you were hurt before that time.