Top Three Tips You Need to Know For a Successful Move

Are you one of the thousands of Americans that will be taking part in the great American tradition of lighting out for the territories? Well, even if you are just planning to move across town and not across the country, here are a few tips to make your next big move a little bit easier on you and your family.
1. Did you know that moving season usually takes place between the months of June and September? Because of this trend, long distance movers generally charge more during those months whether it is for a military move or not. Either try to book your moving truck early, or try to put aside a little extra money if early reservations are not available in your area.
2. Long before you start packing or renting pods, you should be sure to declutter your home. One of the biggest mistakes that people make when they are moving is not getting rid of extra items until they get to their new home. Do your future self and the movers that will be helping you a favor and try to go through your things before you even start packing to move.
3. Make a list before you actually have to move. This is one of the best ways to not only organize everything that you need to get done in the next few month before you move, but it will also help you to be less stressed about the move in general. Making a list will allow you to have all of the steps that you need to take and all of the tasks laid out nicely so that you can check them off one by one as you get them done. Find out more here.
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