Ten Barking Good Dog Facts


Doggy day care

There is a reason that canis lupus familiaris is known as mans best friend. Just about everyone loves a good dog as they provide companionship, entertainment and affection. 46 percent of U.S. households own at least one dog, for a total of 78.2 million pet dogs in the country. These lovable creatures are definitely fascinating and so beloved by humans for plenty of reasons. Here are ten crazy dog facts you may not have known and will probably make you love your puppy even more!

1. Most people realize dogs have a great sense of smell. But canine noses go as far to detect some, if not most, odors at concentrations of parts per trillion.

2. Beyond smelling actual odors, research suggests that it is quite likely dogs can smell fear, anxiety and even sadness.

3. One more olfactory fact to start things off… did Read More

Need a Cosmetic Dentist?


Cosmetic implants

Did you know that teeth are just like fingerprints in that they are perfectly unique to each person. Even identical twins do not have identical sets of teeth. With that said, your teeth are one of the most important things you will ever have in your life. You only get one pair of natural, adult teeth so it is highly suggested that you take care of them to the best of your ability.

In 2010, it was estimated that around four fifths of children aged two to seventeen visited a dentist in the past year. For those who did not visit the dentist, a visit to a cosmetic dentist may be in the future. Cosmetic dentists specialize not only in making your teeth super white, but in providing alternatives to natural teeth such as dentures and cosmetic implants.

According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, arou Read More