The Increasingly Vital Role Of Patch Management In BYOD Policies

The bring your own device (BYOD) policies that thousands of larger companies put into place today are great, though they do present some unique challenges to employers since these employers must also protect proprietary information on these devices. With almost 1 billion smart phones in operation around the globe and with 65 million Americans alone owning such devices, employers without protocols and effective mobile device management policies in place risk losing a lot.
Larger companies have more needs to control all of the devices that are in operation within those companies because of the security implications that exist, and their information technology managers often are charged with fixing viruses and handling other concerns that pop up on these devices. From computer laptops to desktops to mobile devices, these IT managers are mostly using patch management software to get things done faster and more accurately. Patch management is a real time saver too, since it allows IT managers to update computers both remotely and simultaneously.
Patch management encompasses all kinds of security solutions, from iPhone security concerns to those involving media tablets, which reached 19.5 million units in sales two years ago. Increasingly, these patch management issues are addressed on iPhone devices, largely because one out of every five of the 1,000 consumers recently surveyed by Consumer Intelligence Research Partners said that they planned to use the most recent iPad device for work. Thus, iPhone management protocols as they relate to patch management are about as vital as any other kinds of effective management protocols to protect such information.
Fortunately, enough companies offer patch management solutions at costs that do not cause these employers to break a sweat. The initiation of such programming is an investment for these corporations, but it is most certainly one that is worth it due to the security implications and the long term vitality of these corporate enterprises. Without having formal systems in place to protect employees’ devices and everything that exists on those devices, these employers risk more than losing a little business to competitors. Some risk losing everything they have.
Finding out which companies offer the best patch management is quite simple too. With a little bit of online digging, corporate representatives and researchers can uncover which companies do it best. Then, IT managers and their staffs can get to work on protecting these employee owned devices to protect everything that exists on these devices both now and well into the future.
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