Introducing Floating Hardwood Floors Bethesda

Floating hardwood floors Bethesda is a type of hardwood flooring that isn’t attached to a subflooring. Instead, there’s actually a layer of padding between the hardwood floors Bethesda and the subfloor. This will actually make you feel as though you’re floating across the floor, hence its name.
Originally hardwood floors Bethesda was only available in a glue together design. Essentially this meant that the hardwood floors Bethesda were simply glued on top of whatever flooring was already in place. The benefit to this is additional strength and cohesiveness. Of course, this hardwood floors Bethesda was also a whole lot softer to walk on too.
Today there are a lot of different types of hardwood floors Bethesda available to choose from. The most popular is click together hardwood floors Bethesda. Herein hardwood floors Bethesda are created with a tongue and groove design. This allows the sections to easily be joined together. Once they’re properly aligned they do produce an audible clicking sound. This type of floating hardwood floors Bethesda is said to be more stable while still allowing you to feel as though you’re floating across these hardwood floors bethesda.
The most recent innovation for hardwood floors Bethesda is known as lock and fold. The design behind these hardwood floors Bethesda allows for the boards’ ends to be placed in a pattern that results in a very smooth surface. You can actually compare this to the closure on a Ziploc bag. Herein the fit is actually achieved by folding over the pieces’ ends until you can actually slide and snap them into place. With this approach to hardwood floors Bethesda there’s no need to tap the sections into place like you have to do with the tongue and groove design of hardwood floors Bethesda, which is something that some people really seem to like.
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