Tax Resultion Services to Stop Wage Garnishment


Irs abatement

In an effort to support the Civil War, Congress enacted the first income tax law in 1862. The income tax law is still in effect, and can on occasion cause people financial problems. Once in a while, an American will fall behind on their taxes, and the IRS can enforce a levy on their assets or garnish their wages.

Wage garnishment requires an employer to withhold a certain amount of your paycheck as payment for debt owed. The wage garnishment is in accordance with a court order or other legal procedure. If this happens to you, you will quickly be asking how can I stop wage garnishment. The process may be difficult, but there are some of the best tax resolution services out there to help with this.

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Get The Care You Need At An Urgent Care Facility


Local urgent care

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and felt that something was seriously medically wrong with you but it was the middle of the night and you could not go to your regular physicians office but did not think your ailment warranted an emergency room visit? Neither have I, but if you ever do now you can visit a 24 hr urgent care facility.

The Rand Corporation found in 2010 that one if five visits to hospital emergency rooms could have been treated at urgent care facilities. If those one in five visits were treated at an urgent medical care provider it could potentially save 4.4 billion dollars in health care costs.

An alternative to emergency room, 24 hr urgent care facilities can often treat you with a shorter wait time than a hospital emergency room visit. Urgent Read More