The Risks and Benefits of Weight Loss Surgery Explained – Continuing Education Schools

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The severity of these procedures can be quite extreme, such as gastric bypass surgery that shrinks and redirects the stomach, or they may be smaller than the lap band surgeries, which makes the patient feel fuller and less hungry.

Who would benefit from surgery?
The patients that will benefit most from surgery are those with an Body Mass Index (BMI) over 40 or with a BMI that is 35-39.9 with another weight-related health issue, such as hypertension and type 2 diabetes. sleep apnea.

Individuals who are overweight or obese may lose weight by having it done. It also has been shown to have positive effects on cholesterol levels, blood pressure, low-density lipoprotein levels, glucose sensitivity and diabetes control for people with type two diabetes. ji825xvm6p.

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