Anxious About the Dentist? Knowledge Fights Fear!

Although I do not like to admit it I come from a family which has bad teeth. My father has teeth that look like fence posts that just barely survived an F5 tornado, and I ended up needing braces from third grade until high school. It was awful. Something about having to visit the orthodontist for so long and also having weak teeth, so having traumatic dentist visits, has left me scarred.
I would not say that I have Odontophobia, which is the clinical term for having a fear of dentists. The Diagnostical and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders says it is a real phobia, one which I do not quite have but one which I often feel like I do. I do have some serious dentist anxiety though.
What does any of this have to do with cosmetic dental surgery and cosmetic dentistry? Well, I believe that the more you know abou Read More