Day: May 26, 2022

These Incredible Watches Cost More Than Your House – Cool Artwork

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These masterpieces require a lot of time and creativity. They are often made with high-quality materials. They carefully constructed one piece at a time. The craftsmanship they employ isn’t cheap. Only the richest people in the world are able to afford the most expensive of watches. You might pay more for some watches that you can afford at house. Watches with a premium look can cost more than half a million dollars. This video will teach you how to check out some stunning timepieces.

One of the watches shown in the video is a Octopus in the middle. It can take up to 40 hours to create this particular octopus from scratch. Additionally, it’s made from gold and other valuable gemstones and metals. The watch also features a miniature globe that is located in the inner. The watch is stunning in every way, including an intricate and intricate design of the octopus. This is a piece of jewelry that pirates would be pleased to own. The watch is not the only one made by the same company which has a similar style. It has an octopus in place of an actual dragon. What stands out about this sculpture is that the eyes of the dragon’s head are made of rubies. The dragon itself appears to be made from a green jade.


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